Physio for all is a not for profit company offering on-site physiotherapy services to all members of staff at Benton Park view.
Its affordable and accessible on-site during working hours 0800-1700, currently Tuesdays and Fridays room PB1309.
We offer a full range of treatment options including; ultrasound, laser, acupuncture, heat therapy and an extensive range of manual techniques. All initial appointments may take up to an hour to allow for a comprehensive medical biomechanical assessment and will include any treatment indicated at the time. Follow up appointments are around 45 minutes to allow for the range of treatment modalities on offer including extensive hands on treatment.
Initial appointment is £40 and follow up sessions are £35. Off-site appointments are available at our fully equipped clinic Gateshead College Academy for Sport (the new building next to the stadium).
All CSSC members receive a £5.00 discount off their first appointment both on and off site. To make an appointment contact us on 07901617624, or e-mail