Go Ape

Experience UK's NO.1 forest adventure!

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Go Ape
Go Ape Go Ape Go Ape Go Ape

With 37 locations nestled all over the UK, you are sure to find a Go Ape adventure near you. From tree-to-tree crossings, 3km zip treks, nets 30 feet above the forest floor and heavy, all terrain Segways on spectacular off road trails, all the adventure boxes are ticked.


Sundown Adventures

Selected dates between 19 October - 10 November 2024

Back by popular demand. Go Ape Sundown Adventures offer a new level of forest fun in the dark. Become a creature of the night as you climb through the canopy on a high ropes course lit with colourful lights. Test your skills on tree top crossings and experience the thrill of a zip wire ride into the darkness. It's a unique opportunity to enjoy the forest's beauty and experience the adrenaline rush of adventure after dark.

Ultimate Treetop Challenge Giveaway

Win an Adventure Bundle Worth £2,500!

The HERO prize:

  • Two tickets for Go Ape Treetop Challenge at all 34 locations.
  • National Forestry England membership.

Plus, weekly prize draws to win a pair of tickets for Treetop Challenge.

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