Make the most of the UK's most detailed Credit Report
Quickly and easily see detailed financial information held about you, with data from all four credit reference agencies. If you spot something wrong, checkmyfile's expert team are on hand to help. Enjoy 30 days FREE, then £9.99 a month, saving 33%. Cancel online anytime.
See your complete credit picture
- Your Score and Report
The only Credit Report that checks data from Equifax, Experian, TransUnion and Crediva.
- Your payments history
Get an overview, plus a detailed view of your individual payment histories.
- Your Electoral Roll
Check your status and make sure your address is reported correctly.
- Your financial associations
See who you're connected to and get help removing links that might harm your credit.
- Your court records
Check for any court information, including CCJ's or insolvencies, and ensure they are accurate.